Welcome to Our Website


Please join us as we Celebrate 50 Years as a Branch in the Ontario Genealogical Society! For photos from our 50th year celebration on October 15th, 2023, please click on this link 



About us
Based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, we are a branch of  Ontario Ancestors, the provincial Ontario Genealogical Society. Our branch was established in 1973. We are an active and friendly group, with a membership that includes both new and experienced researchers. We meet eight or nine times a year for educational talks, information sessions, and other activities.

We encourage and assist those who are interested in family history in the City of Kingston, in Frontenac County and Lennox and Addington County. We also maintain an extensive Library of books and other research materials and an on-going publications program, with more than 200 books available for sale.  You’re welcome to join us. For more information, please visit our Membership page. We’ll look forward to seeing you!

There is a wealth of information in the Members Only section of the website! Many recordings of presentations and many handouts. Worth a look! Go to the Member only section by clicking “Member Only” in the menu bar above.

Not a member but you would like to listen to the presentations? Why not become a member of the branch? There are many other benefits of being a member of the branch. For other benefits, please click on becoming a member of the Kingston Branch.

Kingston Branch is now only selling Digital Download publications on the OGS Marketplace.  Paper copies can still be ordered directly from the Branch by sending an e-mail to  <[email protected]>

Presentations at Branch Meetings in 2024

Presentations from January to the present, please click here.

Our Last Presentation

May 18, 2024 at 10 am, Thomas MacEntee presented After you’re gone: Future Proofing your Genealogy research.

Who is Thomas MacEntee?

Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and as a means of interacting with others in the family history community.

He asks, “Have you ever considered what will happen to your years of genealogy research once you’re gone?” Learn how to ensure that your hard work carries on.

Description of his talk: Through a combination of planning, common sense, and new technologies, we’ll review how to create an action plan for preserving your genealogy research.

Thomas MacEntee also describes himself this way: author, educator, student, advocate, marketer, storyteller, entrepreneur, and that “genealogy guy” who helps you accomplish your family history goals.

 For a detailed and interesting description of Thomas MacEntee’s journey into genealogy and a hint of what he has taught to over 1000 groups, please read his introduction to his talk here.

A recording of the presentation is located in the Members Only section of this website.

A handout for the presentation is in the Members Only section of our website.

Presentations for the remainder of 2024, please click here.

Drop-ins offered by our branch and KFPL

Kingston Branch and Kingston Frontenac Public Library collaborated to host genealogy drop-ins in October to November, 2023. The sessions ran from 1-3 pm.

All sessions have taken place. You are invited to check back in September 2024, to see when other drop-ins are scheduled.

Publication Breaking News: Books and Documents available from our branch and from the Ontario Genealogy Societies’ website

  1. Smit Bible Collection
  2. Riverview Cemetery, Napanee
  3. Early Ontario Marriage Records
  4. Kingston Branch and Pay Per View – August 2023



Genealogical Holdings at Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Central Branch

Kingston Frontenac Public Library

The Kingston Branch OGS collection and microfilm collection are available to the public whenever the library’s Central Branch is open. For library hours, locations and announcements, please visit www.kfpl.ca.

Home access to Ancestry Library Edition ended on December 31st, 2021 but you can still access it free of charge from within any of KFPL’s sixteen branches.

Some KFPL Short video tutorials (Click here for what’s available) about Ancestry Library Edition and historical Kingston newspapers are available free on the KFPL YouTube channel.

For updates about the library’s status with regard to COVID restrictions, please visit the COVID Updates page of the KFPL website.

KFPL’s Local History and Heritage Librarian is Anne Hall. Anne can be reached through the Contact page of the KFPL website or by email at [email protected]